Kabbalat Chabbat this Friday May 7 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm online!
Join our “virtual” Kabbalat Shabbat service at 6:30pm by clicking on this link.
Kehilat Gesher Channel on YouTube
A rabbinical thought: Washing is a religious act. Hygiene has its theology. Once, when the sage Hillel informed his disciples that he was leaving them to do a mitzvah, they asked him, “What is the nature of that mitzvah?” He answered, “It is to wash myself.” “In what sense, Rabbi, is that a mitzvah?” Hillel answered with a parable. The statues of Kings are washed reqularly and that is regarded as a noble and important work. The human being, created in the image of God, should receive the same care.
(Rabbi Harold Shulweis, z”l)
Keep washing, wear a mask and stay healthy! Rav Tom