PessaH @KG
We loved celebrating Purim with you! As we transition from Purim’s playful confusion to Passover’s deep reflection on freedom, wine takes on new meaning. Join us for our 2nd night community seder on April 13th or any of our activities. Nous avons adoré célébrer Pourim avec vous ! Alors que nous passons de la confusion…

Conférence de Nessim Fintz / Lecture by Nessim Fintz
Come and learn about the history of Mathematics! Venez apprendre l’histoire des mathématiques! Conference Sunday, March 30 at 4.30p.m/Dimanche 30 mars à 16h30. Please sign up/Inscriptions obligatoire +33 09 53 18 90 86 Email : [email protected] A Five-Century Journey Through the Wonderful World of Mathematics. Un voyage de cinq siècles dans le monde merveilleux des mathématiques….

Message of the Treasurer
(Yom Kippur) In these days of sadness, sorrows, remembrance, solidarity with all the families, whatever their nationality, near and far affected by the tragedy initiated by the Hamas Islamist extremists and the Hezbollah puppets of the Iranian régime, it is indeed good and necessary to have the possibility to anchor to, to be connected with…

For security reasons, if you are not a member of our community and you want to attend services or events for the first time, it is imperative that you contact us at least one week before by phone on +33 (0)9 53 18 90 86 or by email at [email protected] Anyone arriving at the…

Adhésion / Membership
Chers membres de Kehilat Gesher, Nous espérons que l’année 5784 vous a apporté la joie, l’épanouissement, la santé – bref, le meilleur pour vous et tous les vôtres. Nous venons aujourd’hui vous rappeler qu’il est temps de renouveler votre adhésion pour le nouvel an, allant du 1er septembre 2024 au 31 août 2025.Pour…

Rabbi Tom’s Tsedakah Fund
Pour aider les personnes dans le besoin, dans notre communauté, dans la discrétion et améliorer la situation de la justice sociale. To discreetly help those in need, in our community, aiming towards social justice. Tsedakah Fund
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